Friday 3 June 2016


New Zealand ranked one of the happiest and safest places in the world

New Zealand has beat Australia as being one of the happiest, safest, and richest countries in the world. 
The Legatum Institute has released its annual global Prosperity Index, which ranks the most prosperous countries in the world. 
Approximately 89 variables are analysed -- everything from economy and governance to education, health, and security. 
Pakistan ranked 130, while Ireland came at number ten. 
Here are the top 5 performing countries out of the 142 that were tested -- and you'll be happy to know New Zealand made the cut. 
1. NorwayRanked at number one, the Scandinavian country has been in the top spot for the last 7 years. 
2. SwitzerlandSwitzerland has the world's best governance and the second best economy. 
3. DenmarkWhen it came to entrepreneurship Denmark ranked second best and long with other variables on the Prosperity Index, took the number three overall spot.
4. New ZealandAccording to the Legatum Institute, Aotearoa/New Zealand is one of the most tolerant countries towards immigrants. We also were the best in the world for social capital which put us overall at number four. 

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