Wednesday 1 June 2016


How Ralph Linford invented Elmore Oil to beat arthritis
Ralph Linford was 78 years old when he invented and named Elmore Oil in his hometown of Elmore in Victoria, Australia.
Ralph Linford
Elmore became a pastoral farming settlement in the 1840s and was at first known as Bertrams Inn. Then it became Campaspie after the river that flows through the town, then Runnymede and finally in 1882 the locals settled for Elmore.
The next year Elmore was the first place in Australia to hold a Madi Gras festival and the town also hosts an annual machinery field days event which is well attended by Victorian farmers. But for the rest of Australia, and the world, Elmore and its 700 residents was a ‘Where?’ town until Ralph Linford changed all that.
Ralph was born in Victoria in 1920 and spent most of his life in manufacturing and was always interested in nature and natural remedies. In 1998 his aging body was suffering from arthritis and he started developing his own natural remedy. He told friends that he knew he was in trouble when he could no longer hold a pot of beer.
Elmore, Victoria
He developed his special potion by blending vanilla oil with olive oil, tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, when he had perfected the potion he named it Elmore Oil after his home town and started manufacturing it for sale to other suffers of arthritis, back pain, headaches, sciatica and other muscular pains.
After a television program in 2005, sales of Elmore Oil began to soar and the product soon found its way into Australian pharmacies and that was followed by shipments to, and distributorships in, more than a dozen countries.
Some of the oils used may have side-effects for some people if used undiluted. Eucalyptus oil can be fatal if 3.5 ml is swallowed undiluted. In lesser amounts it can cause a whole range of side-effects including stomach pain, burning, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and drowsiness. Just ask any koala bear.
This historical novel and other
E-books by Peter Blakeborough
are available from
Amazon or Smashwords
Elmore Oil, in very small amounts, is applied to the skin of the affected area and then massaged for about 30 seconds to bring immediate relief.
Ralph Linford always recommended that Elmore Oil should be used sparingly and that frequent use is always better than over use. Ralph passed away in 2011 aged over 90 and the business has been run by his son Mark since 2004. Mark has carried on a tradition established by his father of supporting charities in Australia and abroad.

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